Flash-A25: February 13th (2338 UTC) FLASH-B24: February 13th (2338 UTC)
Quick UPDATE (Text/dBASE):
QUICK-A25: February 13th (2338 UTC) QUICK-B24: February 13th (2338 UTC)
A25: February 13th 2025 (2338 UTC) B24: February 9th 2025 (2358 UTC)
Latest Monitoring Statistics of January 9th 2025 Facts that confirm the High QualityDuring HFCC conference 10-14 February 2025 in Abu Dhabi the ILG data for WPLOT will be available as follows:
FLASH UPDATE within 5-30 minutes after HFCC uploads, REGULAR UPDATES.: each day around midnight UTC
PERSEUS Software info

Original PERSEUS SDR Software
Software to read PERSEUS Record Bandscan Files (evaluation version for 60 days)
If are no owner of a PERSEUS receiver you can test this software for 60 days. After 60 days you are not able to re-start this software again.
If are no owner of a PERSEUS receiver you can test this software for 60 days. After 60 days you are not able to re-start this software again.
There is no trick possible to wake up again and the onliest way is to install your Windows Software new again.
The producer of PERSEUS "Microtelecom s.r.l." do not wish to support non owners of this receiver.
If you buy this receiver you can request a License File "perseuslf.dat" which includes your Hardware ID.
With the license you can buy the "External Down-Converter Software Option License" for 32,50 EURO and than you can also
use the various PERSEUS remote receivers. Than you can also make a PEREUS remote receiver available in the Internet with free access or by password protected. This receiver need an internet access and a PC or a laptop.
Screenshot with PERSEUS Software (Perseus displays various station data on right side)

Click on "File" on key (INPUT SELECT) on the bottom right side to open the file (*.wav) of the various PERSEUS records.
The playback runs in a loop of 10 seconds. If you move cursor on the field of diagram and if you move the
mouse wheel up or down you will change frequency by 5 khz if Wheel Step is set on 5 khz.
All other functions and options are the same like a shortwave receiver.
ILG Lookup Tables - Data Files for the PERSEUS Receiver to identify stations of ILG bandscan records
These 3x files must be copied into the same directory of your PERSEUS software (e.g. C:perseus). Click and save file into the directory:
1. Broadcasters "broadcas.txt" (link will follow)
2. Sites "site.txt" (link will follow)
3. ILG Database (without "wooden", "fiction" or and "alternative" entries) of last release of ILG in the HFCC format "hfcc.txt" (link will follow)
In this ILG file all history data are deleted to show only current data in the PERSEUS info screen.
This hfcc.txt file contains data of last ILG release.
The other HDSDR, Winrad, WinradHD software do not use this hfcc.txt file and cannot display station information !
Installation Manual
The information how to operate PERSEUS Software and handle the Monitoring Files.
1. Software
Please create a new directory on your PC
Download PERSEUS Software from the internet:
Copy all files of this internet directory into your "perseus" directory on your PC.
2. Data Files
Please create a new directory on your PC
On the internet server I am uploading monthly PERSEUS SDR records.
You can find them here:
Copy files you are interested in of this internet directory into your "perseusrecords" directory on your PC.
Here you can find some sample records.
The file name give the following information e.g. 09mhz1800utc_000.wav
The information how to operate PERSEUS Software and handle the Monitoring Files.
1. Software
Please create a new directory on your PC
Download PERSEUS Software from the internet:
Copy all files of this internet directory into your "perseus" directory on your PC.
2. Data Files
Please create a new directory on your PC
On the internet server I am uploading monthly PERSEUS SDR records.
You can find them here:
Copy files you are interested in of this internet directory into your "perseusrecords" directory on your PC.
Here you can find some sample records.
The file name give the following information e.g. 09mhz1800utc_000.wav
Filename gives frequency and utc while the ZIP file includes also the date of the record !
The files names are ending with "wav" but they are no wave files which can be used by any media player !
If you use Microsoft Internet Explorer and you click one file this software wants to open the file with the media player which is nonsense. I do not know how to switch this of because the file must be downloded !
If you use FIREFOX and click the file you will be asked to download or to open Media player.
May be another internet browser can do this also correct.
I have put the files without ZIP on the server because this allows you to select directly the files you want to listen to. This needs more download time but is more effective at the end.
The monitoring range of each record is between 100 ... 800 khz and takes 10 seconds to avoid too big files.
The files names are ending with "wav" but they are no wave files which can be used by any media player !
If you use Microsoft Internet Explorer and you click one file this software wants to open the file with the media player which is nonsense. I do not know how to switch this of because the file must be downloded !
If you use FIREFOX and click the file you will be asked to download or to open Media player.
May be another internet browser can do this also correct.
I have put the files without ZIP on the server because this allows you to select directly the files you want to listen to. This needs more download time but is more effective at the end.
The monitoring range of each record is between 100 ... 800 khz and takes 10 seconds to avoid too big files.
3.Running the Software
Go to the "START" button in Windows, than to the "EXCECUTE" button and search for your "perseus" directory on "C:".
Mark the "perseus.exe" file in blue and open or run this file with "ok".
A small window will open with the text
"Perseus drivers not detected. The software will run in demo (playback) mode"
Click "ok" now.
A further info may come and must be also click away with "ok"...
This information is available because no PERSEUS receiver is connected to your PC.
Now the PERSEUS software should be available on the screen with a black designed window.
Here you can find all functions of a pc controlled software receiver.
On the left side (bottom) is the yellow info line "INPUT". Here click or mark the bottom "Wav" and than "File".
Now you must go to your directory "perseusrecords" were you can click the various downloaded monitoring record files.
If you choose the following file
you can immediately listen to the record of 9600 khz (given on the left side of the PERSEUS window.
If the replay comes to the end the audio starts again and again (endless replay).
In the middle of the small screen you see the peak with the carrier of your signal.
On the right or left sides you see peaks of other broadcaster using a frequencies higher and lower your 9600 khz.
You can click the peak by mouse or you can choose another frequency in the recorded range of +/- 400 khz.
Go to the left field with the frequency "9600" and click here two times an new window will open and you can put in another frequency.
If the "Wheel Step" (on the left side) is given with "5.0 khz" and if you put your mouse cursor on the big window with the
diagrams, than you can move by 5 khz up and down with your mouse reel...
The small window gives the bandwidth of the files and you can change to 3, 6, 12 khz.
If you put your mouse cursor on this small window with the carrier diagram, than you can vary also the filter size up and down with your mouse reel...
In the middle are the modes. In your case there should be AM activated.
On the right side is Volume control "Vol".
In the perseus directory there is the full manual of the PERSEUS software and here the various buttons are described.
Manual File on this Web page in various languages: http://microtelecom.it/perseus/software.html
But remember your PC is not connected to the hardware (receiver) perseus and can be operated only in the "playback" mode.
This mode simulate exactly the situation of the reception time and can be really called "time machine" mode.
Some other broadcaster are using audio files to check their broadcasts, but the problem here is that you cannot check exactly who is causing interference.
With PERSEUS you can play around your used frequencies and you can also see how some other broadcaster are available with their signals.
I hope that the information is helpful and the download and installation will give no problems.
Perseus HF Receiver Software with Spectrum Mode:

Perseus HF Receiver Software with Waterfall Mode:

Another example of the reception of the frequency of 9625 khz at 1800 UTC
Each station will be identified with utc hour, name, location, site co-ordinates and power in the window on right side if
ILG database e.g. ida1436t.txt will be stored in PERSEUS software directory under new name hfcc.txt
Perseus HF Receiver Hardware. Link to the manufacturer: Microtelecom
PERSEUS is a software defined VLF-LF-MF-HF receiver based on an outstanding direct sampling digital architecture.
It features a 14 bit 80 MS/s analog-to-digital converter, a high-performance FPGA-based digital down-converter and a high-speed 480 Mbit/s USB2.0 PC interface.
It features a 14 bit 80 MS/s analog-to-digital converter, a high-performance FPGA-based digital down-converter and a high-speed 480 Mbit/s USB2.0 PC interface.
The PERSEUS analog front-end has been carefully designed for the most demanding users and includes a 0-30 dB, 10 dB steps, attenuator, a ten bands preselection filters bank, and a high dynamic preamplifier with a top-class input third-order Intercept Point of more than 30 dBm. The resulting third-order dynamic range is more than 100 dB in SSB and more than 105 dB in CW.
Believe us, there's no other so performant and complete shortwave SDR receiver in the market today.
The PERSEUS receiver can be operated also in a wide band mode as a 10 KHz - 40 MHz spectrum analyzer with more than 100 dB dynamic range in a 10 kHz resolution bandwidth.
The PERSEUS analog front-end has been carefully designed for the most demanding users and includes a 0-30 dB, 10 dB steps, attenuator, a ten bands preselection filters bank, and a high dynamic preamplifier with a top-class input third-order Intercept Point of more than 30 dBm. The resulting third-order dynamic range is more than 100 dB in SSB and more than 105 dB in CW.
Believe us, there's no other so performant and complete shortwave SDR receiver in the market today.
The PERSEUS receiver can be operated also in a wide band mode as a 10 KHz - 40 MHz spectrum analyzer with more than 100 dB dynamic range in a 10 kHz resolution bandwidth.