ILG is a commercial offer to a selected user group within the HF broadcasting business
Contact Data
Company Name: ILG Software
Postal Address: Hessenweg 2, 34576 Homberg,Germany
Fone: +49 / 5681 771 44 44 (working hours at Monday-Friday: approx.0900-1700 UTC hours)
Company Data
German Tax ID-No.(USt-Nr.): 02481900151
European Tax ID-Nr.: DE327727447
European Tax ID-Nr.: DE327727447
Represented by the General Manager Bernd Friedewald (DK9FI)
Responsible for ILGRadio Web Site Content: Bernd Friedewald (DK9FI)
Responsible for ILGRadio Web Site Content: Bernd Friedewald (DK9FI)
Bank Account
Name of the Bank: VR Bank eG Chattengau-Schwalm-Eder
Account Owner: ILG Software Friedewald
IBAN: DE55520626010000056847
Account Owner: ILG Software Friedewald
S.W.I.F.T.Destination (BIC): GENO DE F1 HRV