ILG Professional Database
The ultimate Source for the HF Monitoring and HF Frequency Management
Now including Broadcasting + UTILITY transmissions of the 1.6 - 30 MHz Frequency Range
ILG now with approx. 80000 data sets available
The ILG Monitoring World Record
ILG Database contains results of the ILG Broadcasting Monitoring World Record of confirming all transmissions and the monitoring date is given in the data field MDATE.
In this non public area for shortwave Frequency Managers, Monitoring Stations,
Military and Government Agencies you will find:
- ILG is available nearly daily with FLASH files since September 2022 for both seasons
- ILG now covers full 1.6-30 MHz and the databases including approx. 80 000 data sets
- ILG identification of HFCC wooden and "alternative" entries for each new season
- ILG exposes all those who lie and cheat in the HFCC with fake registrations
- exact details of sign/on and sign/off data of all transmissions
- eaxct details of all WarmUp and WarmEnd transmissions which is unique worldwide
- precise times of all language broadcasts allow a very detailed language statistics
- ILG shortwave data files of current season with more than 55 editions
- ILG shortwave data files - archives data since 1983
- Software and Browser for ILG data files
- Manual for ILG software usage and ILG imports info frequency management software
- Description of ILG file structure
- ILG "Global Bandscan" verifying all listed data by around-the-clock scans during each season
- ILG "HF Multi Band Check" - bandscans with detailed analysis of ILG and HFCC data
- Tips for HFCC frequency coordination
- Links and background information
- ILG gives full date of reception (ddmmyy) of all monitored data entries
- ILG includes exclusively full antenna data with correct antenna type, design frequencies, etc
- ILG Antenna tools updating more than 46000 antenna operation modes of all shortwave sites
- ILG is also available in HFCC/ITU stucture with extended format
- ILG is now full compatible to FIEDLPLOT, WPLOT and other software to calculate signals precisely
- more than 2600 transmitter sites in special ILG Lookup table for WPLOT or HFCC compatible software
- 10-Band/24 hours PERSEUS bandscan records of 10 seconds for download (7x 480 files per season)
- Lookup Tables for PERSEUS SDR monitor window displaying data of receiving stations
ILG Milestones of shortwave publications since 1983
- - ILG is available nearly daily with FLASH files since September 2022 for both seasons
- - first full frequency listing with complete broadcasting schedules
- - first graphical display giving language information in 24 hour scale
- - first database in the world with "continent matrix"
- - first database in the world with complete transmitter details and antenna data
- - first database in the world with fullband bandscans results
- - first database in the world with monitoring date - date of last reception
- - first database with monitored operational UTILITY station time schedules
- - first database in the the world with a matrix the month of reception
- - first database of broadcasting and UTILITY stations in the HFCC text format
ILG Database covers the following Services
- Broadcasting - International, National & Regional (Voice in AM, SSB or DRM)
- Maritime - Weather Reports, Fishery METEO Bulletins & Warnings (Voice, Fax, Telex in SSB)
- Aeronautical - VOLMET Aviation Weather Reports & Meteorological Information (Voice in SSB)
- Time Signals / Standard Frequency Signals
- JAMMING Transmissions to avoid reception in target area (against "unwanted" news/information)
NON-PUBLIC SERVICES (encrypted in most cases, mainly in SSB)
- Diplomatic / Embassy Emergency Network / Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Digital, Telex)
- Police / Border Police (Digital)
- Coast Guard (Digital, Telex, Voice)
- Special Services (NDB, DGPS, Teleswitch, ... )
- Customs Service (Digital, Voice)
- Government Security & Administration Networks (Digital)
- Spy Radio / Number Stations / Intelligence Communication (Digital, Telex, Voice)
- Aeronautical Mobile Service / Air Traffic (Digital, Telex, Voice)
- Private Companies with Pont-to-Point or Technical Tests (Digital, Telex, Voice)
- DSC - Digital Selective Calling (Telex, Voice)
- HF Trading Communication (Digital)
- Ship Telephone Traffic (Voice)
- SAR Rescue (Voice)
- Telecom (Digital, Telex, Voice)
- HAM Radio (only some special channels listed incl. Morse Beacons)
- UNO (e.g. UNAMA, UNMIS, UNHCR,...) , MINUSMA (until 31Dec.2023) (Digital)
- MSF (Médecins Sans Frontières) (Digital, Voice)
- ICRC (International Red Cross & National Red Cross) (Digital, Telex, Voice)
- Disaster Relieve (HAM Amateur Radio) (Digital, Voice)
- Airforce (Digital, Telex, Voice, Morse)
- Navy (Digital, Telex, Voice, Morse, Morse-Beacons)
- Military & Defence (Digital, Telex, Voice, Morse)
- National Guard (Digital, Telex, Voice, Morse)
- Propagation BEACONS (Morse ID)
- "BUZZER" Type Beacons (special modes)
ILG database files are based on the ILG master database with more than 150 000 data sets of which each year approx. 20 000
will be completely replaced. In this huge database with 100 data fields all monitoring observations are included in two data fields.
Here are approx. 2 000 000 monitoring observations included which will be updated on a nearly daily basis and this allows to prepare
the operational transmissions hours of the UTILITY stations in ILG.
The source of broadcasting schedules is based on direct contacts to the stations or deep-in monitoring if no schedules are available.
No "Copy & Paste" is made, e.g. a copy from the HFCC database.
This all gives the most up-to-date and comprehensive database of the world...
ILG Professional Access:
ILG Databases and Software are CONFIDENTIAL, not for the general public and are made only available for the frequency managers or technical departments of radio stations or telecoms ! This is in accordance to the decision of the HFCC and the personal request various ILG clients. Therefore ILG includes technical data which cannot be given to the public.