Flash-A25: February 13th (2338 UTC)   FLASH-B24: February 13th (2338 UTC)

Quick UPDATE (Text/dBASE):
February 13th (2338 UTC)   QUICK-B24: February 13th (2338 UTC)


A25: February 13th 2025 (2338 UTC)     B24: February 9th 2025 (2358 UTC)

Latest Monitoring Statistics of January 9th 2025 Facts that confirm the High Quality
During HFCC conference 10-14 February 2025 in Abu Dhabi the ILG data for WPLOT will be available as follows:
FLASH UPDATE within 5-30 minutes after HFCC uploads, REGULAR UPDATES.: each day around midnight UTC

About ILG Database

The first Band Scans for ILG were made in Summer 1983. Since that time ILG is publishing complete frequency lists on a  regular basis. ILG has since 1983 the experiencesfor quick and precise band scans and the necessary knowledge to identify the various radio stations, programmes and languages. Season by season ILG frequency databaseswere improved and extended to todays highest standard in the word. ILG data are based on serious information of the radio stations and there information will be verified during
the whole broadcasting season.
ILG was the first publication in the world which startet in Summer 1985 with the first test of the Graphical Diagramm "Times by Lines" which significantly improved the bandcan procedure !

In 2014 after some years of preparation, ILG Database was extended by UTILITY stations (non-broadcasting). The data set size is now more than 89000 entries.

UTILITY Content - Non-public transmissions
The basis database for the Intelligence Control and Analysis System is a high-performance for reconnaissance within electronic warfare platform for the entire frequency spectrum of HF radio communication. It offers the full range of functions for investigation  and support of operating radio reconnaissance systems. ILG enables automated research as well as results analysis via an uniform database content user interface. Regardless of whether it’s strategic or tactical intelligence, mobile applications on land or at sea, or stationary use, ILG will help you gain identifying these military signals around the globe.

Here are the Key Highlights of the ILG database:

- exact frequencies given in kHz (min. 10 Herz precision)
- exact transmission times of broadcasting and time range of utility
- identification of nearly all short wave stations within seconds
- 100% correct data of all broadcasting schedules
- update of most broadcasting schedules with co-operating contacts to the responsible frequency managers
- 80-90% correct data of utility stations
- approx. 90000 current transmission entries in the database
- approx. weekly releases of ILG database (more than 110/year)
- frequency schedules of broadcasting stations 3-4 months available before the start of the season at the end of March/October
- approx.55 editions available during one season of which about 20 are available before the broadcasting season starts
- daily band-scans are made via more than 30 remote receivers on all 5 continents, in most cases PERSEUS SDR receivers in use
- each data entry / broadcasts given with the last monitoring date e.g. station monitored on January 20th 2021 is listed as "200121"
     This information is completely unique worldwide and each listed broadcasting station must be checked during the season
- broadcasts which are not on-air or inactive will be marked clear identification of un-used ITU / HFCC requirement stuff
- ILG broadcasting data are updated by special software tools incl. more than 30 000 technical HF antenna data and antenna modes
- ILG includes also Jamming stations of China, Cuba, Ethiopia, North-Korea and Vietnam with noise sound or DRM type signals
     ILG is an independed product without censorship published on free right of publishing. Jamming is completely ignored at all at ITU !
- call sign(s) or the structure of call sign of utility stations also given which is important for e.g. ALE transmissions identification
- detailed technical data of antenna / sites of broadcasting stations
- broadcasting antennas given with correct design frequency and type
- broadcasts with detailed language and day of transmission information
- broadcasting entries with transmitter warm-up times information
- ILG shows in detail all un-used frequencies (so called wooden) listed in HFCC / ITU database and "blocking" free channels for years.
     HFCC / ITU given approx. 50% fake entries in their databases !
- ILG includes "unofficially" broadcasts of 6x organizations which will not be published in HFCC/ITU database due to political reasons
- all utility stations with listings of current used frequencies no graveyard of ITU Geneva requirement stuff
- due to daylight saving time ILG is available for the two seasons Summer (A) and Winter (B) starting at the end of March and October
- database available in various versions and formats
- ILG database available in the HFCC data format (extended version) and compatible to all kind of software which can run HFCC/ITU data
- database import in WPLOT Software LINK: http://dk4py.darc.de/
- in WPLOT software ILG data can be displayed with signal patterns
- database available in HFCC/ITU data format
- ILG includes also the graphical diagram "Times by Lines" which was invented exclusively by ILG in 1986 and is unique until today
- ILG database is in use by more than 30 broadcasting stations and government administrations for the HF frequency planning
- ILG database is designed, maintained and regular improved by the ILG Software company
- ILG master data is running on dBASE software with more than 250 000 data sets and various tools are creating the ILG files
- ILG data can be also made available with requested text or dbase formats in the case you run an own structure for your purpose

ILG Milestones of shortwave publications since 1983

  • - first full frequency listing with complete broadcasting schedules
  • - first graphical display giving language information in 24 hour scale
  • - first database in the world with "continent matrix"
  • - first database in the world with complete transmitter details and antenna data
  • - first database in the world with fullband bandscans results
  • - first database in the world with monitoring date - date of last reception
  • - first database with monitored operational UTILITY station time schedules
  • - first database in the the world with a matrix the month of reception