The map of some remote receivers used to make bandscans between 2 - 21 MHz. It is not possible to save records with these remote receivers.
Example of the maps as June 10th 2015.
For each receiver which is online a logo is available. If there are more than one receiver the number of available receiver is given in a black box. The numers of receiver is allways variable minute by minute ...
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The producer of the PERSEUS SDR receiver (Microtelecom in Italy) has made this platform available for those who are owing such a receiver.
The receiver is expensive and the main problem to access to these receiver is the you must open a forward port in your modem and this is not possible in most companies.
This is the same procedure when you install a LAN camera in your home and if you access from your office or abroad...
PERSEUS SDR Remote receivers all over the word are operated by amateurs, radio hams or shortwave listeners.
These are private operated and each owner is paying all the costs.
Most are in Europe and North America because private income to cover these costs are higher and internet is available by a flat rate. In other parts of the
world income is less and internet is expensive and slow.