Flash-A25: February 13th (2338 UTC) FLASH-B24: February 13th (2338 UTC)
Quick UPDATE (Text/dBASE):
QUICK-A25: February 13th (2338 UTC) QUICK-B24: February 13th (2338 UTC)
A25: February 13th 2025 (2338 UTC) B24: February 9th 2025 (2358 UTC)
Latest Monitoring Statistics of January 9th 2025 Facts that confirm the High QualityDuring HFCC conference 10-14 February 2025 in Abu Dhabi the ILG data for WPLOT will be available as follows:
FLASH UPDATE within 5-30 minutes after HFCC uploads, REGULAR UPDATES.: each day around midnight UTC
Structure of dBASE Format of ILG Database
The Structure of the ILG Database: F-Format (dBASE)
Effective from February 27th 2011 after last changes in December 1999 and February 2008 (subject to change).
ILG data entries and information are based on old and current monitoring experiences made over the last 40 years...
F-Format ILG is designed for monitoring & bandscan analysis, various deep-in statistics, station, language, ... research
Exclusive ILG data fields are NA,CA,SA,EU,AF,ME,AS,AU,PA since 1989 and the usage is exclusively
only allowed to use by ILG Database and not by any other software
only allowed to use by ILG Database and not by any other software
ILG F-Format | ILG F-Format | ILG F-Format | ILG F-Format | ILG F-Format | ILG Format | ILG F-Format |
1 | FREQ | 7/1 | numeric | Frequency given in kHz (kiloHertz) | in some cases frequency rounded | |
2 | PLAN | 4 | text | ITU Seasonal Periods when the broadcast is available.
Exclusive ILG data field
used seasons based on old ITU seasons:
M: March/April,
J: May - August,
S: September/October,
D: November -February,
????: inactive,
====: standby / alternative
3 | STATION | 18 | text | Name according to the official station identification | full name (title) with additional program information | |
4 | STN | 5 | text | Abbreviation of the Name according to official identification or Call Sign.
Exclusive ILG data field
short version of the name of the station, if possible with information of programme variation | |
5 | LOCATION | 18 | text | the name of the Transmitter Site or main town (for ships name of basis harbour is given) | data based on correct names by geographic material or Google Earth | |
6 | LC | 2 | text |
CIRAF - LOCATION, the Site by the CIRAF Zone
Exclusive ILG data field
data field to filter out tranmsitter site by CIRAF zone | |
7 | LONGI | 6 | text | Longitude of the site (degrees and minutes given without dot).
Exclusive ILG data field format
in all cases verified by Google Earth | ILG gives degree and minute without dot and blank |
8 | LATI | 5 | text | Latitude of the site (degrees and minutes given without dot).
Exclusive ILG data field format
in alll cases verified by Google Earth | ILG gives degree and minute without dot and blank |
9 | ITU | 3 | text | Administration or COUNTRY CODE, official ITU Abbreviations |
3 letter code, alternative name ADM (Administration)
additionally listed:
TWN - Taiwan
10 | COUNTRY | 12 | text | the "Geographical" Name of the country | country name with full name | |
11 | TARGET | 8 | text | Area to which the broadcasts are beamed.
Exclusive ILG data field
Datafield to become compatible to old ILG datafiles
abbreviations used of ILG data fields No.13 - 21 |
further description: e = east, n = north, s = south, w = west
ne = north-east, nw = north-west, se = south-east, sw = south-west
12 | CIRAFZONES | 30 | text | Reception Zones according to ITU Geneve in "HFBC CIRAF zones maps" with quadrants | Zones 1 - 75 | ILG gives CIRAF zones of target area, back-up CIRAF areas for protection purposes not given, but included in HFCC |
13 | NA | 2 | text |
North America: Target Area in Continent Matrix.
Exclusive ILG data field
"--" if not used | NA |
14 | CA | 2 | text | Central America: Target Area in Continent Matrix.
Exclusive ILG data field
"--" if not used | CA |
15 | SA | 2 | text | South America: Target Area in Continent Matrix.
Exclusive ILG data field
"--" if not used | SA |
16 | EU | 2 | text | Europe: Target Area in Continent Matrix.
Exclusive ILG data field
"--" if not used | EU |
17 | AF | 2 | text | Africa: Target Area in Continent Matrix.
Exclusive ILG data field
"--" if not used | AF |
18 | ME | 2 | text | ME = Middle East: Target Area in Continent Matrix.
Exclusive ILG data field
"--" if not used | ME |
19 | AS | 2 | text | Asia: Target Area in Continent Matrix.
Exclusive ILG data field
"--" if not used | AS |
20 | AU | 2 | text | Australia: Target Area in Continent Matrix.
Exclusive ILG data field
"--" if not used | AU |
21 | PA | 2 | text | Pacific: Target Area in Continent Matrix.
Exclusive ILG data field
"--" if not used | PA |
22 | START | 4 | text | Start Time in UTC ( "Universal Time Co - Ordinated" ) | 0000 ... 2359 |
sign-on time of **59 minutes rounded by full hour
in various cases full-time broadcasts are divided in one hour blocks to make
ILG bandscans much more precisely
23 | STOP | 4 | text | Stop Time in UTC ( "Universal Time Co - Ordinated" ) | 0001 ... 2400 | sign-off time of **59 minutes rounded by full hour |
24 | LANGUAGE | 10 | text | Programme Languages for the main broadcast | full name of languages are given, new data field LNG gives language code (ISO 639-3) |
"WarmUp" = special TuneUp procedure with silent carrier (SC), music/programme (PR), interval signal or jingle (IS) or 1000 Hz test tone (TT)
"WarmEnd" = transmitter is still on air (see also WarmUp details)
Exclusive ILG data info and wording !
Jamming Description:
Noise Sound, Firedrake (endles Chinese Music tape), Pulse Sound or Relay of Home Service (CNR)
ULTILITY transmissions
are listed here with the word "DATA:..." followed by type of broadcast:
CODES (Spy Radio),
DATA (Data Transfer), EMAIL (E-Mail Transfer), FAX (Telefax), MORSE (CW), RADAR (Over-Horizon-Radar) TELEX (Telegraphy), TIMES (Time Signals), VOICE (Traffic/Information) |
25 | P | 1 | text | Programme Structure | F = Feature Programme (External/International Service), H = Home Service, R = Religious, X = Mixed/Entertainment, "-" = no broadcasting (WarmUp, RTTY,...) | |
26 | GRAPHIC | 48 | text | Graphical Diagramm: the exact Occupation of each frequency is presented by the "Times by Lines" giving the Language of the broadcast. This is processed in a Time Scale of 24 hours with a precision of 30 minutes.
Exclusive ILG data field
Confirmed broadcasts are given with a symbol (e.g.letters, numbers)
and all transmissions not confirmed are listed with "----" in the Graphical Diagram. |
Capital Letters: External / International Service
Small Letters: Home / Local Service
1: Sunday ... 7: Saturday
#: not daily
$: Monday-Friday
=: Saturday/Sunday
?: inactive
+: WarmUp
-: standby (alternative)
| : DRM
: requirement
! is given at 6, 12 and 18 hours if position is un-used
For the main Languages of the World the first Letter is used:
A = Arabic,
B = Bulgarian,
C = Mandarin,
D = German,
E = English,
F = French,
G = Greek,
H = Hindi,
I = Italian,
J = Japanese,
K = Korean,
L = Lithuanian,
M = Mongolian,
N = Norwegian,
O = Polish,
P = Portuguese,
Q = Quechua,
R = Russian,
S = Spanish,
T = Turkish,
U = Urdu,
V = Vietnamese,
W = ...,
X = Mixed Languages,
Y = Yiddish
Z = Various
Hindi replaced by Hungarian from March 2011
27 | DAYS | 7 | text | Days given in UTC (the matrix of days given in numbers) |
1 = Sunday ...
7 = Saturday
28 | POWER | 7/2 | numeric | Transmitter Power is given in kW (kiloWatt) | for "not used" frequencies the power is given in MINUS value in "R" | |
29 | AZI | 3 | numeric | Azimut, maximum radiation of the antenna in degrees |
1 - 360 degree
0 = non direction
ATTENTION: HFCC gives 0 or 1 for 360 degree north !!!
for low power stations with dipole antennas 0 degree (non-directional) is given while both Azimut are given in REMARKS field |
30 | AWR | 3 | numeric | Angular Width of radiation main lobe (degrees / at 6dB point) | value based on data sheets of antenna manufacturers, detailed data for each MHz band vailable | |
31 | DB | 2 | numeric | DECIBEL, the Gain of the antenna in decibel (dBi) | value based on data sheets of antenna manufacturers, detailed data for each MHz band available | |
32 | AE | 2 | numeric | Angle of Elevation in Degrees, vert.elevation angle | data based on data sheets of antenna manufacturers, detailed data for each MHz band available | |
33 | ANTENNA | 10 | text | describes the Antenna / aerial in Types | HRS4/4/1 ... HRS2/2/.5, ... | |
34 | SLEW | 3 | numeric | the Slew in degrees of slewable curtain antennas | ||
35 | DATE | 4 | text | the Date of the schedule or the last monitoring date (JJ/MM) | e.g. 1101 = January 2011 | data field replaced by SDATE and is available to be compatibel to old ILG files |
36 | FDATE | 6 | text | start date of the schedule (in ddmmyy = Day / Month / Year) | in ILG it is not possible to give same FDATE and TDATE when frequency is changed !!! | ILG gives last day of the operation before 0100 UTC |
37 | TDATE | 6 | text | stop / end date of the schedule (in ddmmyy = Day / Month / Year) | in ILG it is not possible to give same FDATE and TDATE when frequency is changed !!! | ILG gives first day of operation |
38 | REMARKS | 15 | text | special technical information, broadcast dates, ... |
AZI: 000/360 or 090/270 (dipole antenna)
A-Direction or
B-Direction: one transmitter with 2x different beams (azimuth) and 50% power for each direction
DRM: for inforamtion only
Feeder: special service
Fiction: fake requirement
INFO DATA: additional detailed language broadcasts entries
Irregular: not regular on air
Jamming: various types of modulation to suppress rection in target withname of station to be jammed
monthly: no weely bc.
Pirate: illlegal operation
Planning: future operation
Ramadan: during Ramadan
Reduced Carrier: modulation type
Skip Freq.: nearly daily change of used frequency
Special Event: irregular sports or holiday bc.
Spurs: Spurs or Harmonic with source frequency
T-T: if days are different in target area America, Asia or Pacific in data field REMARKS "T-T" (Target Time) local dates are given, e.g. "T-T:Mon-Fri" if UTC days are "Tue-Sat"
Special Event: broadcast of special event, sports or weather warnings,...
Test: test transmission
tx-error: transmitter problem or transmission on wrong frequency
Unident.: unlisted un-identified transmission incl. RTTY/Telex/Spy bc.
USB/SSB/LSB: Modulation
Vary.Freq.: variable frequency
"...": Various Program or Service Names/Infos
"1-5. Day" = not weekly
39 | STATUS | 1 | text | gives the value of data entry | C = confirmed, I = inactive, N = not confirmed, X = Info Data (X is not imported in WPLOTF) | |
40 | MOD | 1 | text | the Modulation of the signal | D = analog (AM), N = digital (DRM), S = single side band, T = reduced carrier | |
41 | LOC | 3 | text |
the abbreviation of the transmitter site according HFCC
Special usage of ITU abbreviations for unknown sites:
SP0: worlwide UL1: North America UL2: Central America/Caribbean UL3: South America UL4: Europe UL5: Africa UL6: Middle East UL7: Asia UL8: Australia UL9: Pacific
In ILG continents selected for each such entry
3 letter code with official abbreiviation, in various cases correct location given in LOCATION data field
additionally listed
abbreviations under
(for ships name of basis harbour is given) |
42 | BRC | 3 | text | the abbreviation of the broadcaster according HFCC |
3 letter code with official abbreviation, in many cases correct description is given in the STN data field
additionally listed:
BVB - Bible Voice Bc.
GFA - Gospel for Asia
RFA - Radio Free Asia
RTI - Radio Taiwan Int.
SOH - Sound of Hope
Abbreviations for UTILITY services:
XAF Air Force Radio
XAP Airport Radio XAR Army Radio XBC Propagation Beacon XCO Communication Net XCH COTHEN Net XCN Coastal/Naval Radio XDC Distress Radio XDI Diplomatic Net XGL Global Link Net XGW Global Wireless XHF HFDL ARINC XLD LDOC XME Meteo Radio XMW MWARA XMY Mystic Star Network XNA Navy Radio XOH Over Horizon Radar XPI Pirate Radio XPS Pactor Sailmail XRD RDARA XSC USAF SCOPE Command XSP Spy Radio XST STATCOM HF Net XTS Time Signal Radio XVO VOLMET Radio |
43 | FMO | 3 | text | the frequency managemnet organisation according to HFCC / ABU / ASBU / ITU |
3 letter code with official abbreviation
additionally listed:
CBS Radio Taiwan Int.
CHN Chinese Government
AER Aeronautical Radio
GOV Government Radio
HAM Amateur Radio
MAR Maritime Radio
MIL Military Radio
ORG Organisations
PRV Private Radio
44 | ANT | 3 | text | the antenna code numer according HFCC |
e.g. 100 (AHR1/1/.3) ... 999 (special wide)
ILG gives code number according to design frequency.
no wishfull thinking numbers as used by various stations in HFCC database !
45 |
old data file name: R
3 | text | Language Code (ISO 639-3) | new name effective February 28th 2011 |
abbreviation "aaa" ... "zzj",
based on: http://www.ethnologue.com/
old number: 46 | COLLISION | 12 | text | the information of collision | deleted February 27th 2011 | |
46 | CIRAF | 44 | text |
the full listing of all used CIRAF zones without quadrants
Datafield to become compatible to old ILG datafiles
data field available to be compatibel to old ILG files | |
47 | INFO | 10 | text | the INFO field for further information | information/name of the season | |
48 |
5 | numeric |
Antenna Design Frequency of the used antenna:
given in kHz (kiloHertz)
data content processed by special ILG antenna tools according to technical transmitter site documents | |
49 | ANTTYPE | 20 | text | antenna type of the manufacturer | e.g. TCI 611, ALGON, ALLISS, ... | data if information available |
50 | NOTES | 20 | text | WPLOT target area code & special ILG remarks | WPLOT information with special codes for target areas (data in ILG optional upon request of co-operating stations) | |
old number:
CONTOUR | 40 | text | WPLOT target area code | deleted February 27th 2011 | |
51 | PROGRAM | 20 | text | Programme / Service Name | name of programme on air | |
52 | MDATE | 6 | text | Date of last Monitoring (in ddmmyy = Day / Month / Year) | bandscan results by monitoring in Germany and remote receivers overseas (important data field which gives full data of last observation/monitoring) | |
53 | SDATE | 6 | text |
Date of the Schedule
gives data of latest change of the whole schedule of an FMO or radiostation (last date also given for old entries of the season) | |
old number:
REQ | 6 | text | Requirement Nummer of HFCC database, available only in data file with requirement content (C-File) | deleted February 27th 2011, because no HFCC data will be imported anymore |
blank for non-hfcc entries
54 | MONITORING | 20 | text | monitoring observation | new name effective February 28th 2011 | information if station cannot be received during current season, information of special observation, spurious signals or harmonic entry |
55 | VARIOUS | 20 | text | additional information |
new name effective February 28th 2011
information if data entry is alternative frequency,
secret information, information if transmitter is temporarly off air...