B13 Databases
The ultimate Source for the HF Planning and HF Frequency Management
dBASE Data Files
These data files in the dBASE IV format can also be imported into Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Access,
LibreOffice Base, Paradox, FileMaker Pro, DBF Viewer 2000, DataView, . . .
Final ILG Database (F - Final Version - dBASE Format)
Frequency Range: 2000 - 21000 khz (the complete short wave range with broadcasting stations)
dBASE Files to Import into ILG Software for MS DOS
Old Data Format with of ILG Database (W - dBASE Format)
Combined File of ILG Database (C - dBASE Version) with both ILG and HFCC data
In this file there are complete current ILG data and latest HFCC/ABU/ASBU requirements included.
In this file you can find out not used broadcasts requests and you can see differences between ILG and HFCC data !
History File of ILG Database (H - dBASE Version) with current and last year data
In this database the HFCC/ASBU/ABU requirements and all verified ILG data of the current and both two seasons (last Summer and last Winter) are included