B16 Databases
The ultimate Source for the HF Planning and HF Frequency Management
Last update of ILG data files: March 9th 2017 (2300 UTC)
The ILG Monitoring World Record
ILG Database contains results of the ILG Broadcasting Monitoring World Record of February 2017 confirming all transmissions and the monitoring date is given in the data field MDATE.
dBASE IV Data Files
These data files in the dBASE IV format can also be imported into Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Access,
LibreOffice Base, Paradox, FileMaker Pro, DBF Viewer 2000, DataView, . . .
Extract Range of ILG Database
X - Extract Range Version - dBASE Format with 17676 data sets
Frequency Ranges: 2300 - 2500, 3170 - 3400, 3900 - 4000, 4740 - 5150, 5700 - 6300, 6850 - 7800, 9250 - 10000,
11400 - 12200, 13550 - 13900, 15000 - 15840, 17450 - 17900, 18900 - 19030, 21450 - 21850, 26000 - 26100 khz
Full Range of ILG Database
F - Full Range Version - dBASE Format with 37749 data sets
Frequency Range: 2000 - 30000 khz (the complete short wave range)
dBASE Files to Import into ILG Software for MS DOS
Old Data Format with full range of ILG Database
W - dBASE Format with 37532 data sets